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Monday, August 24, 2009

ISO.5 - Mixed Fiber Beverage

ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage - NT 2016

Helping you to achieve the recommended dietary fibre intake! The longer the transit time of food, the longer the food stays in our gut, the more likely it is that auto-intoxication will occur. There are evidence indicating that toxins in our body, due to irregular bowel and poor detoxifying function, are the major contributors to the increase of degenerative conditions, diseases and the aging process. Therefore, a good way to promote good health is to maintain bowel regularity through sufficient daily intake of dietary fibre.
Since most people find it difficult to consume adequate fibre through their daily diet, consumers today can supplement their diets with ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage in sachet convenience. ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage is a carefully balanced mixture of high quality dietary fibre, probiotics and enzymes that can gently cleanse and nourish the gastrointestinal tract; help remove toxins and wastes from the body system, as well as maintain your body's energy level. Its high quality fibre content can also assist in weight management goals by providing a feeling of "fullness" or satiety. Everyone in your family, including children who are lacking fibre in their daily diet, especially those who do not like to eat vegetables can opt for ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage as their fibre supplements in order to aid in bowel health and to promote general well-being.

Some facts about ISO.5 Mixed Fibre Beverage:
Each serving of 15 gram gives you:
  • More than 6 grams of dietary fibre that is equivalent to about 300 g of vegetables
  • More than 6 billion probiotic cultures, equivalent to a daily intake of six servings of cultured milk product in the market
  • More than 0.1 gram of live plant enzymes equivalent to consumption of 3 or 4 slices of papaya or pineapples.
Summary of ISO.5's benefits:
  • Promotes better intestinal health
  • Improves digestive system
  • Aids in lowering bad cholesterol and reducing the risk of high blood pressure
  • Helps to bind carcinogen, bile acids and other toxic substances
  • Helps to enhance body immune system
  • Helps to improve glycemic control and regulate blood sugar
  • Promotes synthesis of vitamins
  • Allows better control over body weight
Brief info about the product

Product Code :- NT2016

Product Quantity : Each set comes with 30 sachets with 15 gram each.

For buyer from Malaysia
Pricing - RM132 (WM) and RM139 (EM)
For buyer out side from Malaysia
Price offer : USD 40
*Price include transportation cost

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