FB2542 - Premix Coffee with Lingzhi & Green Tea
For coffee lovers who demand rich, full-bodied flavour as well as nutritional value!
Discover a brand new coffee with a mixture of Lingzhi and Green Tea specially formulated for coffee lovers. Enjoy two traditional ingredients that are popular for improving our overall well-being. Lingzhi is known to be the "King of All Herbs" for its immune building potential and rejuvenating properties, while Green Tea is rich in antioxidants known for their ability to help in strengthening our body defense against free radicals. The mixture of Lingzhi, Green Tea and Colombian coffee provides an enriched taste of coffee that is so satisfying and pleasing to our taste buds. Make yourself a cup of Premix Coffee with Lingzhi & Green tea and take a moment to savour the unique aroma of the coffee plus Lingzhi and Green Tea. Refresh and rewind with this enchanting flavors!
Product code : FB 2542
Quantity : 22g X 28 sachets
Price : RM 38.90 (WM) / RM 39.90 (EM)
Buyer out side Malaysia : USD 11.40
*Price inclusive of transportation cost