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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Care for health : Second heart of Human

Click here for more information about Hinokoshiwa foot care detox.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Care for health : Make Beyond Water a part of your healthy family life style today

The important of water to life

Water is a fundamental pare of our lives. It is easy to forget how completely we depend on it. Human survival is dependent on water. The average adult body is 70% water.. A human embryo is more than 80% water. A newborn baby is 74% water. Everyday your body must replace about 2.8 litres of water. As a matter of fact, there's water in just about everything. Water plays many important roles in providing proper functioning of the body's organs.

These include:
  • Regulates body temperature.
  • Serves as a solvent for minerals, Vitamins, amino acids, glucose and other small molecules, aiding their
  • Assimilation into the body.
  • Carries oxygen to all parts of the body.
  • Lubricates the areas around our joints (especially important for athletes, people with arthritis and those with chronic musculoskeletal problems).
  • Necessary for chemical reactions in the body.
  • Acts as a shock absorber inside the eyes and spinal cord.
  • Removes harmful waste products from our metabolic processes.

Click here for Beyond Water Filter.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Care for health : Jadikan Beyond Water filter sebahagian daripada gaya hidup keluarga anda yang sihat hari ini.

Kepentingan air terhadap kehidupan

Air adalah bahagian penting hidup kita. Sangat mudah untuk melupakan kebergantungan kita terhadap air. Manusia bergantung kepada air. Kebanyakan tubuh orang dewasa terdiri daripada 70% air. Embrio manusia adalah lebih daripada 80% air. Bayi yang baru lahir terdiri daripada 74% air. Setiap hari tubuh kita perlu menggantikan 2.8 liter air. Malahan. air wujud pada hampir semua benda. Air berperanan penting untuk memberikan fungsi organ tubuh yang elok.

Di antaranya:
  • Mengawalatur suhu tubuh.
  • Bertindak sebagai pelarut untuk mineral, vitamin, asid amino, glukosa dan molekul kecil lain, membantu asimilasi ke dalam tubuh.
  • Mengangkut Oksigen ke semua bahagian tubuh.
  • Melincirkan kawasan sekitar sendi (penting bagi ahli sukan. penghidap artritis dan yang bermasalah otot skeletal kronik)
  • Perlu untuk tindak balas kimia tubuh.
  • Bertindak sebagai penyerap hentakan di dalam mata dan saraf tunjang.
  • Menyingkirkan bahan buangan merbahaya daripada proses metabolisme.

Klik disini untuk penapis air Beyond Water.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Care for health : How proper food consumption and B'Young can lead to better eye care

The eyes are the windows to the mind. Proper eye care is not something to be taken lightly in view of the vital importance the sense of sight plays in our daily lives.

Picture : Google search

Yet, there is a dearth of information on proper eye care apart from advice such as the need to consume more pigmented vegetables such as carrots which are rich in B carotene, a type of carotenoid.

Such a useful practise requires discipline and continued effort which should begin since commencement of schooling. Even though various studies have been done in the past several years, the veracity of the link between food and proper eye health is something quite new in Nutritional Science. New findings have shown that it is not only the link between food consumption and proper eye health but rather nearly all types of degenerative or chronic diseases can be prevented through practising certain food consumption routines.

Three major diseases that have a serious effect on the health of eyes include AMD or Age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. AMD is an eye disease that causes loss of central vision which restricts the sufferer to having only peripheral vision. Under normal circumstances AMD does not cause total blindness. Cataracts are 'cloudings' of either a part or the whole of the eye lenses. Cataracts usually occur to those aged 55 years or above even though it also affects those much younger. Diabetic retinopathy is the damage to sight caused by complications from Type 1 & II diabetes. This disease is a major factor leading to blindness in diabetic sufferers. Diabetic retinopathy is closely related to the presence of abnormal blood vessels in the retina that results in the weakening or leaks in the walls of the blood vessels in the eyes.

In developed countries, AMD has been identified as a major contributor to blindness for those over 50 years and above. Throughout the world, it is estimated that between 25 to 30 million people suffer from this disease. Blindness attributed to diabetes in America alone has reached over 17 million and this figure is expected to increase significantly every year. It is estimated that as many as 4.5 million Americans who suffer from diabetes requires treatment associated with problems affecting their sight. It should be remembered that anyone who is afflicted with diabetes runs a high risk of losing his or her eyesight. Unfortunately there is as yet no appropriate therapy that can cure this problem.

This problem has presented ZHULIAN with the effort to design a product that can help control sugar content and ensure that the nutraceutical formulation for maintaining eye health are contained within this product. The combination of complex carbohydrates in BYoung™ Advanced Functional Beverage is processed in die digestive system at a slower rate which contributes to a feeling of satiation as opposed to hunger. Apart from the ability to reduce the intake of calories from food containing carbohydrates such as rice, it is also able to slow down the absorprion and conversion of carbohydrates into blood sugar. This helps reduce the risk of cataracts and assists the body in controlling the level of sugar in the blood

This is a proactive step for preventing diabetes. In order to help in the proper care of eye health, ingredients such as bilberry extract, lutein ( a type of carotenoid ), zinc and vitamin E ( an antioxidant) are also included in the formulation of B"Young™ Advanced Functional Beverage. These ingredients have been closely studied by scientists across the world as functional ingredients that can help protect against chronic eye diseases. As an example, a study conducted by the Association for Sight and Opthalmological Research ( 2001-2002 ) showed that 90% of those with AMD who were given supplements containing lutein mixed with various antioxidants had experienced improvements in sight compared to another study group provided with placebos (harmless pills which do not have any active ingredients). This study was conducted for a period of 12 months and targetted at those who were already suffering from AMD. Many other studies have proven that bilberry extract and lutein are very effective in influencing eye health not only for asssisting in the recovery from eye diseases as mentioned earlier but also for protecting the eyes from such diseases and improving blood flow to the eyes- Bilberry extract in particular has been identified as assisting in raising blood flow and oxygen levels besides strengthening blood vessels. This role is most important for ensuring optimal eye health.

A most interesting fact for thought:

There are over 600 carotenoid compounds in nature but only 20 types are found in human serum (absorbed by the body for certain functions). Of this total, only lutein and zeaxanthin another type of antioxidant) are found within the cornea or eye lens. If there were no important role for it, the consumed lutein would not need to be carried to the cornea !

In early studies concerning eye diseases resulting from aging or "age related eye disease study" (AREDS) circa 1999-2000 there were numerous doubts voiced by renowned opthalmologists around the world. Now however. Science has opened a new chapter in eye care via food consumption. Imagine the surprise you'll receive if one day while visiting your regular optician and he advises you to obeserve a certain food regimen / supplement so that you can manage the health of your eyes better IThere too may be a high likelihood that the functional formulation recommended to you could turn out to be the very ingredients as found in B"Young™ Advanced Functional Beverage.

Lastly, remember to give proper care to you " window of your mind"!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Care for health : Penjagaan kesihatan mata melalui PEMAKANAN dan B'Young

Mata adalah jendela minda. Penjagaan kesihatan mata bukanlah satu perkara yang boleh dipandang ringan disebabkan begitu pentingnya peranan mata dalam kehidupan seseorang.

Gambar : Ehsan carian Google

Namun begitu tidak banyak maklumat yang tersedia mengenai penjagaan kesihatan mata, selain dari nasihat mengamalkan pengambilan sayur-sayuran berpigmen seperti lobak merah yang kaya dengan OB karotena (sejenis karotenoid). Amalan baik ini memerlukan disiplin dan motivasi berterusan yang patut dimulakan sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi.

Walaupun pelbagai kajian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahun lepas, kesahihan hubungan antara pemakanan dan kesihatan mata adalah perkara baru dalam Sains Makanan. Penemuan-penemuan baru menunjukkan bukan sahaja terdapat hubungan pemakanan dan kesihatan mata, malahan hampir kesemua penyakit degeneratif/kronik boleh dicegah dengan mengamalkan kaedah pemakanan tertentu.

Tiga penyakit utama yang memberi kesan serius terhadap kesihatan mata termasuklah AMD (age-related macular degeneration), katarak dan diabetic retinopathy. AMD adalah penyakit mata yang menyebabkan kehilangan penglihatan pusat (central), mengakibatkan pengidap hanya mempunyai penglihatan sisi (peripheral) sahaja. Biasanya AMD tidak mengakibatkan kebutaan total. Katarak adalah kesamaran pada penglihatan disebabkan oleh pembentukan "clouding' pada kesemua atau sebahagian kanta mata. Katarak biasanya berlaku pada mereka yang berumur 55 tahun ke atas. walaupun terdapat juga kes pada pengidap lebih muda. Diabetic retinopathy pula adalah kerosakan penglihatan disebabkan kekerapan komplikasi diabetes (jenis I dan II). Penyakit ini adalah penyumbang terbesar kehilangan penglihatan (kebutaan) bagi pengidap diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy adalah berkait rapat dengan ketidaknormalan pada saluran kecil darah pada retina mata akibat dari diabetes, seperti kelemahan pada dinding saluran
darah atau kebocoran daripada saluran darah.

Di Negara maju. AMD telah dikenalpasti sebagai penyumbang terbesar kepada kebutaan bagi mereka yang oerumur 50 tahun ke atas. Di seluruh dunia, dianggarkan 25 hingga 30 juta manusia menghidapi penyakit ini. Masalah kebutaan disebabkan diabetes juga meningkat di seluruh dunia. Penghidap diabetes
di Amerika sahaja hampir mencecah 17 juta orang dan jumlah ini meningkat dengan ketara setiap tahun. Adalah dianggarkan. seramai 4.5 juta orang rakyat Amerika yang mengidap diabetes perlu dirawat untuk masalah penglihatan. Perlu diingat, apabila seseorang disahkan mengidapi diabetes, risiko kehilangan penglihatan adalah tinggi. Malangnya, tiada atau kurang terapi yang sesuai untuk mengubati masalah ini.

Masalah ini telah memberikan peluang kepada syarikat ZHULIAN untuk mereka cipta produk yang dapat mengawal kandungan gula darah dan memastikan ramuan nutraseutikal penjagaan kesihatan mata dimuatkan dalam produk. Kombo karbohidrat komplek dalam BYoung™ Advanced Functional Beverage diproses dalam sistem penghadaman pada kadaryang lebih perlahan lalu menyumbang kepada rasa kenyang. Selain dapat mengurangkan pengambilan kalori dari makanan berkabohidrat (e.g. nasi) ia juga dapat membantu memperlahankan penyerapan dan penukaran karbohidrat ke gula darah. Kaedah ini membantu mengurangkan risiko penyakit katarak dan dapat menolong badan mengawal paras gula dalam darah. Ini adalah langkah proaktif bagi pencegahan diabetes. Untuk membantu dalam penjagaan kesihatan mata ramuan-ramuan seperti ektrak bilberi, lutein (sejenis karotenoid), zink dan vitamin E (antioksidan) dimuatkan dalam produk. Ramuan-ramuan ini telah dikaji dengan terperinci oleh saintis seluruh dunia sebagai ramuan berfungsi pelindung penyakit kronik pada mata. Sebagai contoh. satu kajian oleh Persatuan Penyelidikan bagi Penglihatan dan Optalmologi (2001-2002) menunjukkan 90 pesakit AMD yang diberi suplemen mengandungi lutein atau lutein campurantioksidan lain telah mengalami penambahbaikan penglihatan jika dibandingkan dengan pil placebo (pil yang tiada bahan aktif). Walaupunbegitu. kajian ini dijalankan selama 12 bulan dan disasarkan untuk mereka yang telah pun mengidapi AMD. Banyak kajian lain membuktikan ekstrak bilberi dan lutein didapati sangat berkesan mempengaruhi kesihatan mata bukan hanya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit mata di atas tetapi untuk melindungi mata dari penyakit tersebut dan mempengaruhi bekalan darah ke mata. Ekstrak bilberi terutamanya dikenalpasti meningkatkan aliran darah dan oksigen ke mata di samping menguatkan saluran darah. Peranan ini sangat penting untuk memastikan kesihatan penglihatan yang optimum.

Suatu fakta menarik untuk difikirkan :

Terdapat lebih 600 sebatian karotenoid di alam semulajadi, tetapi hanya 20 jenis didapati dalam serum manusia (diserap oleh badan untuk fungsi tertentu). Dari jumlah ini. hanya lutein dan zeaxanthin (sejenis antioksidan lagi) dijumpai dalam kanta mata. Jika tiada peranan pentingmustahil badan akan mengambil lutein dan mengangkutnya ke kanta mata!

Pada awal kajian mengenai penyakit mata akibat penuaan atau "age related eye disease study" (AREDS) iaitu sekitar 1999 - 2000, memang terdapat sedikit kesangsian oleh pakar-pakar mata sedunia (ophthalmologist). Kini, Sains telah membuka lembaran baru bagi penjagaan mata melalui pemakanan. Bayangkan, suatu hari nanti apabila kita melawat kedai cermin mata, jangan terkejut jika pakar mata menasihatkan kita mengambil pemakanan/makanan tambahan tertentu untuk menyelenggara kesihatan mata. Kemungkinan besar ramuan berfungsi yang bakal dicadangkan oleh pakar-pakar mata ini telah pun dimuatkan dalam B'Young Advanced FunctionalBeverage.

Akhir kata, jagalah kesihatan "jendela minda" anda.

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