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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Healthy Living - Detoxification is a natural process

Detoxification is an ongoing process of neutralization and elimination of toxins or contaminants from our body. Detoxification promote the excretion of toxins stored in the lungs, liver, kidney, bowels and blood circulation. The primary organ that detoxifies is the liver. The liver filters toxins from the blood and breaks it down into smaller compound which are then excreted by other eliminating organs. The kidney filters toxins from the blood into the urine while the lung removes gaseous waste through exhalation. Solid waste containing bacteria and toxins (cholesterol, various carcinogens) are remove from the bowels.

When the organs become less effective…

Excess toxins… could interfere with nutrient absorption and can also become the precursor for bacteria and parasites to multiply…

The consequences of improper elimination of toxins include the accumulation of toxins in the eliminating organs. This will in turn prevent the organs from functioning properly and could result in hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency and sometimes the slowing down of metabolism and weight gain. Excess toxins that are not broken down and not properly eliminate can be reabsorbed into the blood circulation. These could interfere with the nutrient absorption process and can also become the precursor for bacteria and parasites to multiply and subsequently cause more serious diseases later on.

Detoxification is necessary in the modern lifestyle

In comparison with our forefathers, we are now exposed to a far greater amount of toxins through food, water and our environment. We can never rely solely on the natural process of detoxification. More than ever, our body needs help to cope with ever increasing amount of toxin accumulation in the body. With out help, the new and surplus toxins will accumulate in our organs gradually and interfere with the functionality of the organs, interrupting the energy flow and wellness.

How BSI+ can help you to achieve efficient detoxification

BSI+ can assist the body in eliminating toxins. Each of the component products play a role in helping our body to get rid of toxins. All the four products – B’YOUNG ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGE, SS SOLUTION MEAL REPLACEMENT BEVERAGE, ISO.5 MIXED FIBRE BEVERAGE and ISO.3 HYDROLYSED MARINE COLLAGEN WITH MIXED FRUIT EXTRACT BLEND work synergistically with each other to achieve the best results. Each of them contributes towards efficient detoxification :-

One of B’YOUNGs effective 3R functions is Release, which aims to detoxify and rid the body of unwanted substances and dangerous toxins. This formulation contains fruit and vegetable based ingredient with high antioxidant properties that are effective in promoting toxin removal as well as neutralizing free radicals.

SS Solution is formulated with a host of phyto ingredient that help to speed up the fat elimination process. Since excess fat can turn into toxins, SS Solution is useful in helping to burn the extra fat and replace it with muscles that will assist our body in regaining the feeling of lightness and wellness.

ISO.3’s functional ingredients are able to purify aged skin and remove toxins and waste products from the skin, thus helping to remove dead skin cells and replace them with new ones.

ISO.5 is a fiber rich formula that specializes in detoxification. It is effective in promotinh a health bowel system and work well in digestive system to enhance digestive comfort as well as optimize the cleansing of the guts.


Through detoxification, the BSI + products also help to improve the skin condition, enhance blood circulation and vitality as well as reduce excess fat. Besides consuming the BSI + products, you should also experience regularly, have adequate rest, consume clean water and air always opt for a healthy diet. Frequent detoxification enhance your vitality, makes you feel better and most important to all, helps you slow down the aging process.

B’Young – Release, Relax dan Revive

“Cegah Sebelum Parah”

Tempoh Penyesuaian Awal Selama 3 Bulan :

B’Young AndvanceFunctional Beverage disyorkan bagi tempoh penyesuaian selama 3 bulan untuk proses ‘3R’ iaitu menyingkirkan, merehatkan dan memulihkan system tubuh. Pakar pemakanan amat mengesyorkan pengambilan B’Young Advance Functional Beverage diteruskan bagi satu tempoh yang panjang, walaupun selepas tempoh 3 bulan, agar prestasi optimum pemulihan dan pengoptimuman sistem tubuh dapat dikekalkan setiap masa. Setiap hari tubuh manusia sentiasa diancam bahaya udara, makanan, pencemaran bahan kimia dan air, pendedahan kepada cahaya matahari, makanan yang tercemar dan tidak bersih. Kebaikan yang diperolehi daripada proses permulaan ‘3R’ akan bertambah kuat dan dipertingkatkan sekiranyan pengambilan B’Young Advance Functional Beverage dikekalkan dengan betul.

B’Young Advance Functional Beverage – Proses ‘3R’, Release (singkir), Relax (rehat) dan Revive (pulih)

B’Young Advance Functional Beverage memberikan 3 fungsi utama yang membantu meningkatkan tenaga serta mengekalkan kesihatan fizikal dan mental dan dengan ini melambatkan proses penuaan agar anda kekal muda dan sihat. Proses ‘3R’ B’Young Advance Functional Beverage melibatkan tindakan-tindakan berikut :

Release (Singkir)              : bertujuan menyahtoksik serta membuang bahan yang tidak diperlukan dan toksin berbahaya yang membawa pelbagai gangguan kepada tubuh anda.

Relax (Rehat)                     : tertumpu kepada memberikan tubuh kelegaan daripada stress bagi merehat dan merawat tubuh agar tubuh dapat kekal sihat dan muda. Sintesis melatoninsemulajadi didalam tubuh memainkan peranan penting ini.

Revive (Pulih)                    : bertindak membina semula tisu tubuh, menguatkan ketahanan tubuh dan menyegarkan kembali fungsi tubuh untuk membantu mengembalikan kemudaan dan kesihatan anda.

Setiap bahan didalam B’young Advance Functional Beverage telah diformulasikan dengan ketelitian agar menawarkan imbangan yang sempurna bagi mencapai proses ‘3R’. Ia menumpukan perhatian khas kepada keperluan asas nutrien penting harian tubuh yang berubah-ubah mengikut masa setiap hari. Oleh kerana setiap aktiviti harian memerlukan tumpuan tenaga dan keperluan nutrien yang berbeza, formulasi B’Young Advance Functional Beverage memberikan focus terhadap keperluan perubahan-perubahan ini dengan menyediakan ramuan terbaik mengikut waktu seperti yang terkandung didalam sachet ‘Pagi’, ‘Petang’ dan ‘Malam’. Anda bukan sahaja akan menikmati tambahan kesihatan berfungsi yang berkhasiat dan lengkap, malah ia dapat mengalakkan anti penuaan, menguatkan system imun tubuh terhadap serangan penyakit, memperbaiki sel tubuh dan sistem organ penting agar anda mendapat kebaikan kesihatan yang optimum.

Untuk wanita hamil, sila rujuk kepada doctor anda sebelum pengambilan produk ini.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Secret Recipe of B’Young Advance Functional Beverage

Formulasi Ramuan

  1. Fruktosa
  2. Serbuk Kacang Soya
  3. Gam Akasia
  4. Frukto-Oligosakarida
  5. Peptida Protein Soya
  6. Serat Oat
  7. Pektin Epal
  8. Pektin Sitrus
  9. Sekam Psyllium
  10. Ekstrak Sekam Gandum
  11. Ekstrak Sekam Beras
  12. Lecithin Soya
  13. Kacang Hitam
  14. Bijan Hitam
  15. Kacang Pain
  16. Bayam
  17. Brokoli
  18. Nenas
  19. Pisang
  20. Jus Daun Barli
  21. Jus Daun Gandum
  22. Jus Daun Alfalfa
  23. Enzim Bromelin
  24. Buah Pic
  25. Strawberi
  26. Chlorella
  27. Jus Lobak Merah
  28. Spirulina
  29. Kalsium Sirat
  30. Ekstrak Mutiara
  31. Ekstrak Astragalus
  32. Ekstrak Wolfberi
  33. Ekstrak Bunga Kekwa
  34. Asid Sitrik
  35. Bifido Longum
  36. L.Asidophilus
  37. Aleo Vera
  38. Asid Askorbik
  39. Ekstrak Biji Teratai
  40. Agaricus Blazei Murill
  41. Cendawan Maitake
  42. Cendawan Reishi
  43. Cendawan Shiitake
  44. Serbuk Spora Lingzhi
  45. Ekstrak Noni
  46. Ekstrak Kranberi
  47. Vitamin E
  48. Ekstrak Ginseng Siberia
  49. Ekstrak Ginseng Amerika
  50. Ekstrak Kulit Anggur
  51. Ekstrak Biji Anggur
  52. Ekstrak Teh Hijau
  53. Ekstrak Akar Ginseng
  54. Ekstrak Guarana
  55. Ekstrak Ginkgo Biloba
  56. Ekstrak Daun Perilla
  57. Lutein
  58. Zink-Methionina
  59. Ekstrak Bilberi
  60. Ekstrak Lada Hitam

B’Young Advance Functional Beverage

Formulasi minuman berfungsi yang lengkap, bertenaga dan berkesan!

“Formulasi B’Young Advance Functional Beverage yang diperbaharui dan maju, memberikan tahap kebaikkan yang lebih baik dan lebih tinggi kepada penguna berbanding formulasi dahulu”.

Pernanan Hebat Melatonin Didalam Tubuh
Melatonin, sejenis hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar pineal dan bertangungjawab mengimbangkan kitaran sedar/tidur. Kanak-kanak menghasilkan lebih banyak melatonin berbanding orang dewasa atau orang tua, tetapi pengeluaran mula menurun seawal usia baligh (1-12 tahun) dan apabila mencapai usia 60 tahun, tahap melatonin sudah pun jatuh ketahap 50% daripada tahap puncak dewasa.

Melatonin dipercayai menyumbangkan kepada peningkatan kebaikan dan memperbaharui tenaga tubuh. Eksperimen penyelidikan dengan binatang makmal juga menunjukkan bahawa melatonin boleh meningkatkan kemudaan dan membantu meningkatkan jangka hayat selain daripada memberikan pelbagai kebaikan lain.

Kajian meluas keatas melatonin oleh penyelidik Itali yang mahsyur iaitu Walter Pierpaoli dan tokoh saintis lain seperti Dr. W. Regelson menemui kesan biologi penuaan sememangnya boleh diperlambatkan. Penemuan ini boleh mencegah pelbagai penyakitberkaitan usia serta meningkatkan tenaga walaupun pada usia lanjut.

Perangi Masalah Dari Dalam – Kekal Sihat, Kekal Muda dan Nikmati Kecergasan Yang Diperbaharui! Seperti kata-kata hikmah “Anda Adalah Apa Yang Anda Makan” maka anda boleh bertambah sihat dengan memakan makanan yang lebih sihat. B’Young Advanced Functional Beverage adalah minuman berkuasa dan berfungsi menakjubkan yang dapat memberikan nutrisi asas yang penting. B’Young Advance Functional Beverage memberikan kompenan bioaktif penting melalui formulasi yang unik dengan kesan kebaikan menakjubkan terhadap kesihatan. Semua kompenan bioaktif ini berasal dari buah-buahan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran kaya dengan zat-zat penting seperti vitamin dan mineral, serat, karbohidrat, fitokimia dan pelbagai nutrisi penting lain. Zat-zat ini dikaitkan dengan pelbagai kebaikan kesihatan seperti merendahkan risiko pelbagai penyakit. Formulasi B’Young Advance Functional Beverage yang dipertimbangkan ini mengandungi semua multivitamin, mineral, lemak dan minyak bernutrisi, fitokimia, enzim tumbuhan, botani, herba kering dan eksrak, nutrisi berasaskan mikrob dan bioaktif, bijirin dan kekacang berkualiti tinggi yang penting kepada tubuh tetapi selalunya tidak terdapat didalam diet harian yang tidak seimbang.

Hasil keberkesanan B’Young Advance Functional Beverage :-

  • Mengalakkan tidur yang lebih baik
  • Mengalakkan fungsi usus yang sihat
  • Meningkatkan tahap tenaga
  • Melegakan stress / kemurungan
  • Meningkatkan kekenyalan kulit untuk kelembutan seperti masa muda
  • Meningkatkan kepekaan mental
  • Meningkatkan pengawalan berat badan
  • Meneutralkan radikal bebas
  • Menguatkan sistem imun
  • Mengawalaturkan sistem pencernaan
  • Mengawalaturkan sistem peredaran
  • Meningkatkan penyerapan nutrient
  • Mengalakkan fungsi kelenjar dalam / organ yang lebih baik
  • Menolong mengurangkan kolesterol tidak baik (LDL)
  • Menggalakkan pembentukkan tulang sihat
  • Mencergaskan libido

Saturday, January 22, 2011

B’Young Maintenance Course

Menguruskan Penjagaan dan Pengekalan Kesihatan

Satu lagi pilihan untuk penyelenggaraan berterusan tubuh yang optimum. Penyelenggaraan kesihatan bermakna pengambilan harian formulasi ini bagi menikmati kebaikan luar biasa. B’Young Manitenance Course direka khas bagi pengambilan dalam tempoh yang panjang dan ia bertindak dengan baik sekali. 

Ia membantu mengekalkan keseimbangan tubuh yang sihat dengan membekalkan nutrien penting di sanping  meningkatkan penyingkiran toksin yang berbahaya daripada tubuh.

Kod Produk                                 : NT 2014
Kuantiti                                        : 90 sachet X 14g
Harga                                           : MYR 443.00
For buyer outside Malaysia         : USD 131.00

Monday, January 17, 2011

B’Young Premium Standard

Pilihan Premium dengan manfaat Premium!

Menawarkan formulasi minuman berfungsi yang memberikan kebaikan optimum dan rangkaian nutrien premium untuk menyingkirkan, merehatkan dan memulihkan tubuh. 

B’Young Premium Standard memberikan kaitan penting didalam diet harian anda kerana ia terus meningkatkan kesihatan anda dan pada masa yang sama membantu mempercepatkan pemulihan sel tubuh bagi menghasilkan keadaan optimum bagi tenaga muda yang diperbaharui. Minuman berfungsi yang menakjubkan untuk kebaikan kualiti premium sebenar yang ideal untuk pengambilan harian – alami tenaga, kemudaan dan kesihatan yang baru setiap hari.

Produk kod                                : NT 2013
Kuantiti                                     : 90 sachet X 17g
Harga                                         : MYR 714.00
For buyer outside Malaysia         : USD 210.00

*Price include transportation cost

Sunday, January 16, 2011

B'Young Supreme Gold

Ransangan Zat Berkhasiat Untuk Kesan Maksimum!

Standard keemasan formulasi minuman berfungsi dengan tahap keterbiosedian yang lebih tinggi, keberkesanan yang dipertingkatkan dan kualiti nutriennya adalah untuk hasil yang nyata hebat. B’Young Supreme Gold dihasilkan sebagai bekalan nutrien berkuasa dan hebat untuk menghasilkan keadaan tubuh yang sesuai bagi mengaktifkan proses awal ‘3R’ dan untuk membenarkan penyerapan paling berkesan semua nutrien penting. Formulasi yang diperkaya dan mujarab B’Young Supreme Gold memberikan nutrien terbiosediaan optimum untuk membina kesihatan harian yang berkesan,  merangsang kesejahteraan demi kebaikkan yang melampau kemampuan tambahan kesihatan yang lazim. B’Young Supreme Gold adalah ideal diminum dalam jangka panjang bagi mendapatkan kebaikannya serta mengekalkan tahap tertinggi nilai-nilai khasiat. Kekal muda, kekal sihat dan nikmati semangat baru daripada formulasi berfungsi hebat ini!

Produk kod            : NT 2012
Kandungan           : 90 sachet X 19g
Harga                    : MYR 889.00
For buyer outside Malaysia : USD 260.00

*Price inclusive of transportation cost

Top 5 Cancer - Causing Food

Prevent is better than cure. Here are top 5 of food which promote to cancer.

Hot Dog

Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

Process Meat and Bacon

Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.


Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures.. Doughnuts may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

French fries

Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer-causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries.

Chips, crackers and cookies

All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Finding

The results of epidemiological research suggest that coffee consumption may help prevent several chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes mellitus (Van Dam & Hu, 2005), Pakinson’s disease (Ascherio & Chen, 2003) and Liver disease (La Vecchia, 2005) 

Coffee is a complex mixture of natural chemicals that provides significant amount of chlorogenic acid and caffeine. Caffeine is probably the most well known ingredient of coffee that has a variety of pharmacological effects with respect to mood, cognitive performance and motor activity. Chlorogenic acid, the major antioxidant of coffee is a type of polyphenols ( a type of phytochemical) that occur naturally in nature.

On average, one sachet of instant coffee provides approximately 316mg of polyphenols.

This photochemical is moderate in activity for polyphenols and is much better as an antioxidant than black tea (Shahrzad et al, 2001). The American drinks so much of coffee that coffee has been the number one source of antioxidant in the US diet (Vinson et al, 2006), and this is also true in Norway and Spain (Svilaas et al, 2004; Pulido et al, 2003)

… coffee drinking has been associated with the reduction in risk from heart desease and gout. 

Quite recently coffee drinking has been associated with reduction in risk from heart disease and gout. Gout is an intensely painful disorder caused by the build up of uric acid. Although it affect both sexes, men are much more likely to suffer from gout.

Other than gout, uric acid also a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Uric acid is positively correlated with aortal intimal media thickness, a measure of artherosclerosis, in human (Erdogan et al, 2005). 

A study in Japan examined the relationship of coffee drinking and serum uric acid indicated a clear inverse relationship between coffee consumption and serum uric in human (Kiyohara et al, 1999). In Poland, a study found that coffee drinkers had lower serum uric acid than non-drinkers and there was a negative correlation between them. elevated serum uric acid concentration was positively correlated with elevated blood pressure and increased body mass index (Olak-Bialon et al, 2004). These studies suggest that polyphenols in coffee, when ingested in sufficient quantity may act as protective antioxidants, in addition to other beneficial mechanisms. Many of these mechanisms are still under scientific investigations. 

There is little evidence of health risks for adults who consume moderate amount of coffee (3-4 cups a day, providing 300-400mg of caffeine a day). The negative view on coffee consumption came about after a study showed that boiled coffee increased lipid in humans (Bonita et al, 2007). Only heavy consumption of boiled unfiltered coffee is harmful (that is more than 6 cups a day) to the heart that is related to plasma cholesterol and LDL increase. This negative effect is not encountered in filtered instant coffee. 

Some group, however, including people with hypertension and the elderly (above 65 years old), may be more vulnerable to the adverse effects of caffeine (James, 2004). It would be prudent for women who are pregnant, lactating or planning to become pregnant to limit coffee consumption to 3 cups a day providing no more than 300mg of caffeine per day (Nawrot et al, 2003). The rest of us, moderate amount of coffee (3-4 cups a day) is recommended for the maintenance of good health. However, if you are a man aged 40 and above, consumption of four to five cups of coffee per day has been shown to reduce the risk of gout by 40%, while six or more cups were associated with 59% lower gout risk compared to men who never drank coffee (Choi et al, 2008). This benefit has been attributed to the chlorogenic acid, a potent antioxidant of coffee.

Select your preference from the product line Premix Coffee Range and enjoy aromatic coffee plus the goodness of well-known health-enhancing herbs such as Lingzhi, Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Tongkat Ali, Kacip Fatimah or Green Tea!

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