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Friday, December 17, 2010

The benefit of Bilva

About the Bilva tree

The Bilva tree grows in almost all parts of India, irrespective of the nature of the soil, and is bitter, astringent and dry by nature. Tall and austere, with a stern aspect, gnarled trunk and sharp thornsThe English name for Bilva is Bael, also called ‘stone apple’ as its rather large fruit is like pale yellow suns when ripe. The Hindi appellation is Bel or Bael Sripal. In Sanskrit it is also called Bilva or Sriphal. The botanical name for this tree is Aegle Marmelops, and it belongs to the Rutaceae family.

Medicinal properties

The fruit has a hard wood-like rind, which is pale green when unripe, turning pale yellow to brown as it ripens. Its pale tawny flesh is sweet and astringent, containing tannin, which acts as an astringent to the bowels. It has a pleasant, agreeable and aromatic flavour, and provides an excellent dietary supplement. This fruit contains gums, vegetable acid and a very small quantity of sugar. It also contains white seeds and a tenacious transparent gel. The pulp of the dried Bilva fruit, powdered and mixed with arrowroot, is called ‘dietetic Bel’. It is both a sustaining food and a curative medicine, and is traditionally called by Indians ‘the fruit of plenty’. Puranic legend calls it ‘the breasts of the goddess of plenty’.

The unripe fruit is roasted with a covering of mud, and the softened pulp mixed with water and sugar or buttermilk. It is more medicinal than the ripe fruit, particularly if dried in the sun. According to Swami Sivananda, “This is highly beneficial in sub-acute and chronic dysentery or diarrhoea, and is particularly useful in irregularity of bowels in children, because it acts as a mild stimulant to the intestinal mucus membrane and therefore stops diarrhoea, acting as a laxative when there is constipation. The unripe fruit cures excess vata and kapha, indigestion, stomach ache and dyspepsia.” A confection is made out of the pulp with amrita and honey, which stops vomiting.

The half-ripe fruit is astringent, digestive and anti-diarrhoeal; it binds the bowels.

The ripe fruit acts as a laxative, and is aromatic and cooling. The juice is an appetiser and blood purifier.

The leaves.
These leaves have a very pleasant aroma

The consumption of Bilva leaves alleviates diseases caused by excess vata and kapha (mucus). They are also useful in diabetes mellitus. For this a few leaves should be chewed daily and their fresh juice drunk. They are diaphoretic (producing more perspiration), thus reducing temperature and lowering fevers, and an aphrodisiac. A decoction of leaves is a favourite remedy for ailments that often occur during seasonal changes, such as fever, flu and fatigue. There are sadhus who sustain themselves on Bilva leaves alone. According to Swami Sivananda, “The fresh juice of the leaves is given with the addition of black pepper in cases of jaundice, and when diluted with water or honey, this is highly praised remedy in catarrh and feverishness.”

The root is the most important part of the tree medicinally, after removing the outer skin. A preparation made from the root with ginger and toasted rice cures vomiting. For the treatment of piles, dysentery and diarrhoea, a preparation is made from the root mixed with the tuberous root of Padha. The oil extracted from the Bilva root, boiled with the juice of Bilva leaves and applied to the head is excellent for nasal catarrh and diseases of the ear. The confection Vilvadi Lehiam is also made from this root.

The flowers cure diarrhoea, vomiting and thirst, while the gum of the inside pulp of the fruit is an aphrodisiac (kama-vardhani).

Nutrient - Soursop fruit

Soursop fruit nutrient

Soursop fruit is contained within various types of nutrients beneficial to human health where this fruit contains large amounts of vitamin < C, B1, and B12. Soursop fruit is rich incarbohydrates foods, particularly fructose.

Health benefits of soursop
Soursop fruit, leaves and seeds are useful as a natural remedy to treat a variety of diseases, and in communities where traditional indigenous fruit grown soursop plant also use as an herbal remedy to treat various types of diseases and which are as follows

1. Cancer
To prevent cancer eating-healthy-to-help-prevent-breast-cancer is to eat fruit or drink soursop juice on a regular basis, to treat cancer while it is able to utilize the leaves because the leaves of soursop fruit is believed to be useful as a natural chemotherapy drug for cancer patients, even more remarkable because  soursop leaves only kill cells that grow abnormally and allow cells to grow normally and the patient do not experience negative effects experienced with chemotherapy treatments such as hair loss and nausea. While the addition of chemotherapy to kill abnormal cells can also give effect to kill also some normal cells are exposed to radiation and chemotherapy in addition to the usual patient will experience hair loss and nausea

How to treatment using soursop leaf is to take old soursop leaves as many as 10 pieces and then boiled with three glasses of water to stay a glass of water, then drink boiling water twice a day each a glass and do it continuously on a regular basis, and drink this potion for the body feels warm like effect of chemotherapy and in two weeks will be visible effect against cancer in the body and to know the exact results in better medical check.

2. Ambient.
Pick the ripe fruit soursop and then extorted to be taken as a glass of water, then drink two times a day, every morning and evening

3. Lumbago
Take 20 sheets of soursop leaves   and then boiled with 5 cups water to boiling until there remained 3 glasses and then drink each day as much as ¾ cup

4. Ulcer
Take young soursop leaf to taste and finely mashed with added ½ teaspoon of water, then stir until smooth and pinned in place Boils

5. Pain in the bladder urine.
Take half-ripe soursop fruit and mix it with sugar and salt to taste to the fruit compote is made by cooking soursop fruit mixed with sugar and salt, then spent a week in a row regularly eaten every day

6. Others
Soursop plant is also believed to cure various kinds of other diseases such as heart disease, catarrh, gallbladder problems, leprosy, cough, diarrhea, fever, dysentery, diarrhea, and indigestion

Soursop and Cancer Cure

Sour sop and Cancer Cure

Are soursop and cancer cure related? What is soursop? Cancer cure studies have shown that this miraculous plant may be helpful in treating cancer. Read on to know all about soursop and cancer cure...

The soursop, also known as Graviola, is a broadleaf flowering evergreen tree that is native to parts of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the northern portion of South America. Soursop is also native to the sub-Saharan Africa countries that lie within the range of the tropics. Nowadays, Graviola tree is also grown in some parts of south-east Asia. The reason why this plant has managed to garner so much publicity is because it has been claimed that soursop and cancer cure are related. It is only now that the world has come to know of the benefits of soursop. Cancer cure has always been a huge topic of research the world over, and soursop has said to be a breakthrough in this field. Given below are details regarding soursop and cancer cure. Read more on Graviola extract
Are Soursop and Cancer Cure Related?

Although it is yet to be finalized on how and whether soursop and cancer cure are actually related or not, there have been studies conducted to validate this claim. Studies to check for Graviola effect on cancer cells began sometime around the 1970's. It was the National Cancer Institute that performed the first ever scientific research on the possibility of soursop cancer cure in 1976. The results showed that Graviola's 'leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells.' Furthermore, it has been claimed that since that year, Graviola was proven to be a potent killer of cancer cells in over twenty different laboratory tests and studies that were undertaken.

A study that was published in the Journal of Natural Products, following a recent study that was conducted at Catholic University of South Korea, stated that a certain chemical that is found in Graviola can selectively kill colon cancer cells at almost 'ten thousand times the potency of Adriamycin'. (Adriamycin is the drug that is commonly used as a part of chemotherapy). Another interesting fact regarding the healing power of soursop is that Graviola selectively targeted only the harmful cancer cells, while leaving the healthy cells of the body untouched. Thus, unlike chemotherapy, which indiscriminately kills all cells (especially the superficial ones, like hair cells) in the affected region, Graviola does not harm the healthy cells. It also spares the person of the side effects of chemotherapy like severe nausea, hair loss, weight loss and deforming skin changes.

Some studies even claim that soursop can target and help in treating nearly twelve different types of cancer, including colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer. It is also claimed that during the course of chemotherapy, Graviola manages to protect the immune system by preventing it from getting harmed due to the effects of chemotherapy.

This was all about soursop and cancer cure. Being a healthy citrus fruit, there are many benefits of soursop. Cancer cures may or may not be one of those benefits but in the end, the fact is that chemotherapy and radiation can only do so much to help in treating cancer and not curing it. Hence, any natural way of, if not curing, at least mitigating the effects or slowing down the progress of cancer are always welcome. However, one needs to be wary of taking in excess of Graviola in the name of alternative cancer treatment This is because it has been seen that in some people, especially when taken in excess amounts, soursop can lead to neurological damage that closely resembles Parkinson's disease. Hence, it is always best to consult your oncologist or health care provider before trying out this supposed natural remedy for cancer.

Pomogranate Fruit = Buah Delima (Part-2)


Pomegranate is a small tree up to 5 meter in height. The bark of the pomegranate tree is light brown with red buds and young shoots. The leaves are small, opposite, glossy and almost evergreen. The large and attractive pomegranate flowers are orange-red. The characteristic large pomegranate fruits are crowned with a calyx and contain numerous seeds in juice containing sacs.

Parts used

Pomegranate juice is mainly used as a health drink. However, most phytochemicals can be found in the rind of the fruit. The roots and bark are also used.


The pomegranate bark contains Punicotannic Acid, Gallic Acid , Mannite, Pelletierine and N-Methylisopelletierine. The pomegrante juice contains Ellagitannins, Pelargonidin, Punicalin, Punicalagin, Anthocyanins, Cyanidin.

Medicinal properties

The pomegranate has been traditionally used as medicines in many countries.

Pomegranate juice is a mild astringent, used to treat diarrhoea, and reduces some fevers.

The root bark is used to treat intestinal parasites, mainly tapeworm. The alkaloids narcotise the tapeworms so they lose their grip to the intestinal wall and are expelled. These alkaloids are also very toxic so they should not be used for self-medication.

Pomegranate contains many phytochemicals with antioxidant action, such as ellagic acid. Ellagic acid has anticarcinogenic, antiatherogenic and antifibrosis activity.

Skin Whitening
Studies have shown that ellagic acid can suppress UV-induced skin pigmentation when applied topically or when administered orally. Mineka Yoshimura and colleagues have shown in their study "Inhibitory Effect of an Ellagic Acid-Rich Pomegranate Extract on Tyrosinase Activity and UV-induced Pigmentation" (Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, 2005) that pomegranate extract has skin-whitening property. This effect was probably caused by the inhibition of proliferation of melanocytes and melanin synthesis.

Other facts

The pomegranate flowers are used to make a red dye. Pomegranate is used jewish ceremonials. The pomegranate juice is used for the production of grenadine. Because of its high tannin content the pomegranate rind can be used to tan leather.

Other names

Grenadie, ecorce de granade, granaatappel

Research Reviews

  • Pomegranate Juice Ellagitannin Metabolites Are Present in Human Plasma and Some Persist in Urine for Up to 48 Hours

Annona muricata or soursop  originating from tropical  Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, South America and sub-Saharan African countries, fruit soursop now have spread and grown in many countries, including some areas in southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam

Soursop fruit  skin is green and covered with a cone-shaped seed.  The color of  fruit soursop meat is white,  and meat will feel soft when ripe with sweet and sour and tasty enough to be eaten directly or made of soursop juice. Soursop fruit seeds are small and in between the meat soursop fruit with glossy black color.

Pomegranate Fruit = Buah Delima (Part 1)

Just sharing on pomegranate information

Pomegranate fruit on branch Pomegranate Fruit: as “pomegranite”) has gained a great deal of popularity over the years. Originally from the Middle East and Asia, the pomegranate fruit is also known by the name Granada or the Chinese apple. These days, the fruit is mostly grown is India, Africa and the United States. The best place for pomegranate fruit to grow is in hot climate areas.

The great thing about pomegranate fruit is that the trees on which it grows can live for many years. Aside from being a great décor for a backyard… it produces the delicious pomegranate fruit. Pomegranate fruit have a round, spherical shape. Inside, you’ll find dozens of small ruby-colored seeds. The pomegranate fruit has a citrus flavor and is very juicy. There are many drinks and even foods that are made with the pomegranate fruit.

The pomegranate fruit is now becoming more commercialized and can be found in supermarkets in a variety of forms. The most popular is pomegranate juice but there are also pomegranate jellies, pomegranate wine, and even pomegranate salad dressing. The wide adoption of the pomegranate is due to recent studies that have shown that the fruit contains a high amount of antioxidants that are beneficial to our health in many ways.

Its great flavor and health benefits have made it a great candidate for those who seek natural health foods.
For many, planting a pomegranate tree in their backyard is something on their “to-do” list. Having a wonderful and health beneficial pomegranate tree can be a great thing.

However, if you are planning on planting a pomegranate tree, take notice that the tree is best grown in hot, Mediterranean climates. Fortunately, you don’t need a large amount of space for a pomegranate tree. These usually tend to grow about 4 or 5 meters high and are ideal for a small backyard.

If you have some free time or love gardening and taking care of your plants, then a pomegranate tree might well be for you. While growing this tree may not be difficult compared to other plants, it does require maintenance and care. Keep an eye on your pomegranate tree and take out dead stems… pruning around the end of the cold season.

The branches of the pomegranate tree are not short. They should grow in an downward arch. Keeping the pomegranate tree free of fruit flies and pests is a bit of work as well, but its worth all the care in the end.

Two great reasons to consider planting a tree: For the health benefits of the pomegranate fruit or because the tree looks wonderful and is a great natural decor to your backyard.

Plant trees 6 to 8 feet apart. Dig a hole larger than the planting container. Break up the soil around the planter. Place the container in the hole so that the top of it is sitting roughly at ground level. Fill in the space around the planting container…then pile it up higher and pack it down to get rid of gaps and air holes. Hopefully, the tree will produce fruit in the second year. Pick the fruit off immediately and let the tree put all its energy into growth rather than production.

You’ll know when the tree has not yet reached fruit-bearing maturity because, until then, it will flower and then drop the flowers instead. Pomegranates ripen in the fall (between early August and late September). When the fruit has reached full color, pick one off and open it up. If there are fully-colored seeds and juice inside…then it’s reached ripeness.

When you cut open a pomegranate you will be amazed at the number of ruby-colored seeds inside.
Many are doubtful about eating the pomegranate seeds whole, since most just extract the juice. However, most of the fiber and antioxidants actually come from the pomegranate seeds.

It really comes down to personal preference… but eating pomegranate seeds is completely safe and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of the pomegranate fruit . Many just chew on all the seeds to get all the juice and then spit the seeds out.

If you don’t like the pomegranate seeds then you can make pomegranate juice… or there’s another nice method I use a lot. Take the pomegranate fruit, intact, and roll it over a hard surface just enough to release the juice from the seeds inside but not breaking the fruit’s skin. Then make a small hole and with a straw drink the juice!

Pomegranate seeds are easily separated from the white membrane that surrounds them by putting it all in a bowl of cold water, then carefully separating the pomegranate seeds. You’ll notice the white membrane floats to the top.

If you’re interested in buying pomegranate seeds to grow a pomegranate plant, be sure you have plenty of space for planting. Pomegranates grow on large trees and require time and patience. Smaller pomegranate trees that can be grown in small gardens. Make sure you buy the correct pomegranate seeds.

By now we all know pomegranate provides our bodies with excellent health benefits… but what exactly are the pomegranate fruit’s nutritional values?

contains tons of nutrition… and best of all, it’s low in calories. In just one pomegranate fruit there is around 100 calories and only about 25g of sugar. But that’s only the beginning of the nutrition pomegranate provides:

*              a great source of potassium
*              more antioxidants compared to other juices and even wine!
*              vitamin B and Vitamin C
*              great source of fiber
*              helps prevent heart disease
*              keeps your immune system in top notch conditions
*              prevents buildup of material in your arteries

As you can see, drinking or eating pomegranate is a great choice for your health. With a low calorie count and so many health benefits you don’t need to feel any guilt as you indulge in the delicious pomegranate fruit.

Many are starting to switch their morning orange juice to pomegranite juice. Why? Very simply, studies have shown that the juice of the pomegranate fruit is the most potent of all when it comes to antioxidants. Pomegranate Juice can be found in a variety of forms including Pomegranate Concentrate, Pomegranate Tea ,Pomegranate Seed Oil, Pomegranate Molasses and even Pomegranate Sauce !. There are even Pomegranate Capsules & Pomegranate Tablets which you can buy as a supplement if you find preparing them slow! Obviously buying pure pomegranate juice would have the best health benefit. Pomegranates are meant to be an excellent way of lowering cholesterol and also there is also a Pomegranate Detox and diet program!

Aside from its great taste, pomegranite juice helps our bodies in a number of ways. Studies have shown that pomegranate helps prevent hardening of the arteries as well. This is most commonly known as atherosclerosis. By preventing the buildup of material in our arteries, pomegranite juice also reduces the chances of heart attack and stroke. By switching to pomegranite juice, you’re protecting yourself from heart disease, cholesterol and even stress!

So you may be wondering, what about other natural fruit juices? They’re good for your health as well, but pomegranate tops them all! In a study of other fruit juices such as grape juice, blueberry, orange and even wine, pomegranite juice topped above them all with the highest amount of natural antioxidants. I myself was a daily green tea drinker. But guess what? Pomegranate contains more antioxidants than green tea, too. Simply stated, pomegranite juice contains the high amount of the antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy and strong.

Pomegranite juice also works well as a blood thinner, suggesting that it might be an excellent agent for promoting blood flow to the heart. In addition to reducing plaque in the arteries, it raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol.

Research has also evaluated the antioxidant nature of pom juice and its potential usefulness in fighting certain forms of cancer. Pom juice has been shown to reduce incidence of both breast and skin cancer. And it has also been shown to slow the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

In terms of the effects of pomegranite juice on osteoarthritis… pom juice acts as an enzyme inhibitor to protect against cartilage damage, when applied directly. It’s hoped that further research will establish a cause and effect relationship between oral ingestion of pom juice and a reduction in in the deterioration of cartilage.

No further studies are required to prove that pomegranite juice it healthy to drink. There are numerous pom juice products available… some quite highly priced because of its high degree of popularity. But it’s likely that the price will continue to come down as market forces find better and cheaper ways of making it available.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hinokoshiwa - Sample of detox foot patch

Here some sample of detox foot patch which effective way to remove the dangerous toxin in our body.

Click here for more infomation about Hinokoshiwa foot care.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fakta ISO.5

Sistem pencernaan amatlah penting kerana ia berfungsi menyokong lain-lain bahagian tubuh dan menghantar nutrient keseluruh badan. Apabila sistem pencernaan tidak berfungsi dengan baik, keseluruhan tubuh badan akan menghadapi risiko. Pilihan makanan yang kurang baik boleh menjurus kepada sintom ganguan harian seperti gas dan kesakitan abdomen sebilangan masalah kesihatan lain. Anda mungkin jatuh sakit jika terdapat lambakan toksin dan bahan buangan didalam tubuh anda.

ISO.5 adalah produk khas yang berfungsi pada sistem pencernaan, terutamnya untuk meningkatkan keselesaan pencernaan dan mengoptimumkan fungsi pencucian dan penhyahtoksikan. ISO.5 adalah lengkap dalam erti kata ia menawarkan semua ramua yang perlu untuk prestasi optimum sistem pencernaan. Kombo serat makanan terpilih seperti kacang pis, sekam plisium, gandum, oat, kobinasi dua probiotik berkuasa (Laktobasilus dan Bifidus), lima jenis enzim didalam kombo komplek enzim serta serbuk nanas meningkatkan keselesaan dan kelacaran pergerakkan makanan didalam sistem pencernaan. Kebanyakkan produk yang tersedia ada dipasaran hari ini menawarkan sama ada produk serat sahaja atau probiotik sahaja. ISO.5 menawarkan kesemuanya sekali.

ISO.5 - Minuman Serat Campuran

Membantu Anda Mencapai Pengambilan Serat Makanan Yang Disyorkan!

Lebih lama sisa makanan kekal di dalam usus, maka lebih cenderunglah berlakunya 'pentoksikan auto'. Terdapat bukti yang menunjukkan bahawa toksin di dalam tubuh kita menjadi penyumbang utama peningkatan keadaan yang merosot, penyakit dan proses penuaan. Oleh sebab itu, cara yang baik untuk menggalakkan kesihatan ialah mengekalkan pengawalaturan usus melalui pengambilan serat makanan yang secukupnya setiap hari.

Memandangkan ramai orang sukar memastikan pengambilan serat yang mencukupi melalui diet setiap hari, maka para pengguna hari ini boleh mengambil MINUMAN SERAT CAMPURAN ISO.5 dalam sachet mudah. MINUMAN SERAT CAMPURAN ISO.5 adalah campuran imbangan teliti serat makanan, probiotik dan enzim berkualiti tinggi yang boleh mencuci dan memberi zat secara lembut kepada saluran gastrousus, membantu menyingkirkan toksin dan bahan buangan daripada sistem tubuh, serta mengekalkan tahap tenaga tubuh anda. Kandungan serat tingginya boleh juga membantu mencapai matlamat pengurusan berat badan dengan memberikan perasaan 'penuh' atau kepuasan. Setiap ahli keluarga anda, termasuk kanak-kanak yang kurang pengambilan serat harian terutamanya sekiranya mereka tidak menggemari sayur-sayuran boleh memilih MINUMAN SERAT CAMPURAN ISO.5 sebagai suplemen serat mereka untuk membantu menyihatkan usus serta memelihara kesejahteraan keseluruhan.

Fakta ringkas mengenai Minuman Serat Campuran ISO.5:
Setiap hidangan 15 g memberikan anda:
  •  Lebih daripada 6 g serat makanan iaitu bersamaan 300 g sayur-sayuran
  • Lebih daripada 6 bilion kultur probiotik, bersamaan pengambilan 6 hidangan produk susu kultur di pasaran
  • Lebih daripada 0.1 g enzim tumbuh-tumbuhan hidup bersamaan pengambilan 3 atau 4 potong betik atau nanas

Ringkasan kebaikan Minuman Serat Campuran ISO.5:
  • Menggalakkan kesihatan usus yang lebih baik
  • Melancarkan sistem pencernaan
  • Membantu merendahkan kolesterol tidak baik dan mengurangkan risiko tekanan darah tinggi
  • Membantu mencegah pembentukan karsinogen, asid hempedu dan sebatian toksik lain
  • Membantu mengaktifkan sistem imun
  • Membantu meningkatkan kawalan glisemik dan mengawalaturkan gula darah
  • Menggalakkan sintesis vitamin
  • Memberikan kawalan berat badan yang lebih baik

Berita Kesihatan - Petikkan dari akhbar

3,900 hidap barah usus setahun


KUALA LUMPUR 26 Okt. - Kementerian Kesihatan menganggarkan hampir 3,900 rakyat negara ini dilaporkan menghidapi barah usus setiap tahun.

Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (gambar) berkata, kaum Cina merupakan golongan tertinggi menghidap barah tersebut diikuti India dan Melayu.

''Satu kajian yang dilakukan oleh pihak kementerian menunjukkan masyarakat Cina terdedah kepada ancaman barah usus dengan peratusan 28.8, diikuti India (9.9 peratus) dan Melayu (7.1 peratus)," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas merasmikan Simposium Barah Usus dan Hepatologi di Hospital Selayang di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr. Mohd. Ismail Merican dan Perunding Kanan Genetik dari Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Amerika Syarikat, Prof. Datuk CC Liew.

Menurut Tiong Lai, kaum lelaki merupakan golongan yang mempunyai risiko paling tinggi menghidapi barah usus berbanding dengan golongan wanita di negara ini.

''Laporan kajian kesihatan Malaysia dari tahun 2003 hingga 2005 menunjukkan barah usus merupakan penyakit yang biasa dihidapi di kalangan lelaki yang mencatatkan sebanyak 14.5 peratus.

''Sementara itu, sejumlah 9.9 peratus wanita di negara ini menghidapi penyakit ini dan ia merupakan 'pembunuh ketiga' bagi golongan wanita selepas barah payudara dan barah pangkal rahim," katanya.

Katanya, laporan tersebut menunjukkan amalan cara pemakanan dan kehidupan merupakan punca utama yang menyebabkan seseorang menghidapi barah usus.

Menurutnya, individu yang kurang mengambil makanan berserat dan bersenam merupakan golongan yang mempunyai risiko tinggi menghidapi penyakit itu.

''Lantaran itu, rakyat Malaysia dinasihati supaya mengamalkan cara pemakanan seimbang dan sentiasa bersenam untuk menjauhkan diri daripada penyakit yang boleh dicegah itu," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Tiong Lai juga berkata, sejumlah 18 pakar barah usus sedang berkhidmat di 13 hospital kerajaan seluruh negara.

Katanya, mereka ditempatkan di hospital Alor Setar, Ipoh, Klang, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Seremban, Melaka, Johor Bahru, Terengganu, Kota Bharu dan Kota Kinabalu.

''Selain itu, pada masa ini, seramai 13 doktor juga sedang menjalani latihan dalam bidang barah usus," katanya.

Beliau berkata, kementerian akan memperkukuh dan mempertingkatkan perkhidmatan perubatan yang ditawarkan di hospital kerajaan supaya semua rakyat boleh mendapat manfaatnya.

Petikan dari Utusan Malaysia October 27, 2009

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ISO.5 Brief Information

ISO.5 is a fiber rich formula that specializes in detoxification. It is effective in promotinh a health bowel system and work well in digestive system to enhance digestive comfort as well as optimize the cleansing of the guts.


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